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How do I contact Salt Lake International Airport?

Salt Lake International Airport is the civil-military airport of the US which operates 343 nonstop flights to 93 cities in Europe and North America. In addition, it offers its flight services on time with fewer cancelations of the flight. So, if you want to connect with them, get through the below ways, which will help you acquire the best support from the airport agent. 

Contact Salt Lake International Airport by phone:

Dial Salt Lake Airport number- You can contact directly to the customer service agent by calling the number 801-575-2400. In addition, You can get the Salt lake city international airport phone number on the contact support page. Using this number, you can speak to the agent, and wait to convert the call in the IVR method. You must hear out all the instructions that are:

  • Dial 1 to book special aid from Salt Lake Airport

  • To contact medical services, dial 2

  • Dial 3 solves issues related to getting the lost and found objects

  • To take parking assistance, dial 4

  • Dial 5 to attire help while taking compensation from the airport agent.

  • To talk with the Salt Lake International Airport agent, dial 7

After hearing all the IVR options, press 7 and wait to bear the call from the airport person. Readily speak to them, and sort all issues quickly d by communicating with the agent. 

Send issues to the Email Address- You can also resolve all problems by emailing them; for that, you need to write your issues in a mail and send them to the email address airportinfo@slcgov.com. After that, the support agent will answer your issues within 24 hours. 

Send a post- For that, you have to write a mail with your doubts; send this mail to Salt Lake City Department of Airports, P.O. Box 145550, Salt Lake City, Utah.

What is the Spirit airlines salt lake city international airport phone number? 

The Spirit airlines salt lake city international airport phone number is 855) 728-3555. So, you can speak to the agent by talking with them. In addition, this number will help you acquire all the solutions for issues you are interacting with them while talking. 

What is the lost and found phone number for Salt Lake City Airport?

For the Spirit salt lake city airport customer service phone number to know about the Lost and Found objects, you have to dial 801-575-2427. Speak with the person for any detailed information about the lost and found products. Also, you can take help and know about any lost and found item by sending an email to Airport.LostFound@slcgov.com. 

How to take Spirit salt lake city international airport's contact number?

  1. Go to the SLC web portal on your search engine

  2. Find the airline section under the contact page

  3. Take the Spirit airlines salt lake city international airport contact number and call the agent to talk with them and try to sort out all difficulties quickly.
