How do I book multiple people Spirit?

You can book a group booking at Spirit easily. The main advantage of Spirit airlines group booking is that you will get the same price for all persons included in the group booking. The group booking also provides special group booking assistance. To make a group booking, you have to visit Spirit i:e https://customersupport.spirit.com/en-US/create-case/. Choose the group booking option from the options given on the page for group booking and then enter the captcha code and proceed.

Spirit Airlines Group Booking Link: https://customersupport.spirit.com/en-US/create-case/

Does Spirit have group rates?

The answer is no, Spirit airlines don't provide any discount or group rates for multiple people booking. Whereas, Spirit provides one guaranteed price for all customers of the group. There are other facilities that come with a group booking on Spirit airlines.

Benefits Included in Spirit Group Booking:

1. You may get confirmed seats for more than 10 passengers without full payment for travel 60 days out.
2. You can change your name without charge up to 30 days of scheduled departure.
3. No need to carry an actual physical ticket.
4. You will get a dedicated travel expert for assistance with travel questions or concerns.

Who Can Avail Spirit Airlines Group Booking Program?

To avail the facility of group booking on Spirit airlines, you must need a group of 10 or more people traveling on the same itinerary.

Does a spirit airline keep families together?

The in-seat assignment system at Spirit provides the seat to every individual on a random basis. You can, though, choose your desired seat before boarding the flight online. You may have to pay a certain amount for the chargeable seats. In case of boarding, also you need to wait before those who have paid extra board early.


How do you add a passenger on Spirit airlines?

You cannot add a passenger to an already booked flight. Just make a new reservation and proceed with the new booking on the same flight. If you want to change your seat on spirit airlines, you need to visit their official website, i: e www.spiritairlines.com.You then has to click on my trip section and proceed further by filling in your booking details name. You can change your seat within 24 hours before departure.

Can I add a child to an already booked flight spirit?

Yes, you can add a child to an already booked flight with spirit airlines. Only one child that could be seated on a passenger lap is allowed per person.

Can a 14-year-old fly alone on Spirit?

Spirit Airlines has categorized alone travel by a child into three categories.

  1. Children below four years or younger are not permitted to travel alone as it is not safe. Although, a parent or guardian of age at least 15  years or above can accompany the child.

  2. The guardian requests children with age five years to fourteen years to register as unaccompanied minors. The airline will make sure to make the air travel of the minor comfortable and provide them with full assistance. However, the flight on which the minor wants to travel must be direct. A non-direct flight does not give this opportunity for the minors to travel alone.

  3. If the child is 15 years old, they may not have to mark them as an unaccompanied minor. They have to present a valid photo id proof at the time of checking. If they register themselves as an unaccompanied minors, they have to pay the accompanying minor service fee. The unaccompanied service is chargeable, and you then have to pay for the facility if you opt for this service.

Can I add a child passenger to my spirit flight?

You can request the spirit airline to add a child to your spirit airline ticket. The age of the child will decide whether you have to pay an extra amount or not. A child that can be seated on a lap need not purchase a ticket. Though a child whose age is above the age limit decided by the airline, you then have to make a new reservation on the same flight. You can get all your queries resolved by contacting the customer care service of spirit airlines.

So, using the information above, you can book multiple people spirit anytime. Apart from that, you can speak to the Spirit Airlines customer support team if you need any assistance.